The Long Term Slip Rate of the Muchiliao Fault-Liuchia Fault


Long-term slip rate of the Hsiaokangshan Fault


Long-term slip rate of the Chihshang Fault


The long-term slip rate of Chishan Fault












Long-term slip rate of the Hsiaokangshan Fault


Hsiaokangshan fault is located at the west of Takangshan and Hsiaokangshan. By applying the examination of geo-dating and deformation on terrace, the fault is facing north-eastward of linear scarp. This study conducted four shallow core-borings at a site, which is located on west to Takangshan (Figure 1). Based on the information of the age of the sediment formation and the depth of paleo-environment from the core-boring for the uplift rate, the uplift rate of the Shanchiaohsia no.1 is 4.8±0.1 mm/yr; the uplift rate of Hsiaokangshan no.1 is 4.4±0.1 mm/yr; Hsiaokangshan no.2 is 1.1±0.1 mm/yr; and Hsiaokangshan no.3 is 1.2±0.2 mm/yr. The calculation of the uplift rate of each core shows that the rate decreases from east to west. Shanchiaohsia no.1 at the eastside has the highest uplift rate; Hsiaokangshan no.2 and no.3 at the westside have the lowest rate, which shows that they are located on the hanging wall of Hsiaokangshan fault.


The Shanchiaohsia no. is located at the upper part of the slope scarp. As the westward surface is a plain, it may speculate that the Shanchiaohsia no.1 is close to the east edge of the shear band of the fault. Its rate (4.8±0.1 mm/yr) should be close to the real vertical uplift rate of the hanging wall. Because all the core-borings at Hsiaokangshan did not penetrate the fault zone, the dip angle of Hsiaokangshan fault is unable to be speculated. Yet, based on the shallow seismics, it may speculate that the dip angle of the main fault plain is about 45º (Figure 2), and the net slip rate of Hsiaokangshan fault is about 6.8±0.2 mm/yr.


Figure 1. The profile of Hsiaokangshan core-boring.



Figure 2. Seismic profile and structure of Hsiaokangshan field.